"Home where my thought's escaping,
It is another beautiful day. I have Skyline Drive to myself. Very little traffic. The way is silent; the views spectacular. I am meandering at a pace of 35-40 miles per hour. I come around a corner and there is a fawn by the side of the road; undisturbed by my presence. It is cool at over 3000 ft elevation; I am wearing a heavy shirt and my light jacket. But it is an enjoyable chill that accompanies the one running down my spine from the beauty of the moment. This is one of the East Coast's old ladies of roads. I am left with a desire to return and explore on foot.Home where my music's playing,Home where my love lies waitingSilently for me."
The rest of trip is anti-climactic. I slab up 81, one of my least favorite highways. Always an accident or construction to cram traffic into a miles long, single lane delay. Tonight, old 81 did not disappoint; we had both, several times over the course of 200 miles across the state of PA. But, in the end, all road lead home, in this case, not just to my "love lying waiting" but to a steak dinner with all the trimmings. What better way to end the TGER2017.
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