We rose, early, to a clear sky just lightening to the east. The cool and the dew gave us just the right frisson of anticipation. We rode south from the Brown County In heading for Kentucky and the zone of totality. 46 was a lovely,winding road through the woods the enjoyment of which was just slightly reduced by an unexpected amount of traffic. An omen of things to come? Fortunately not. We continued on 37 South an enjoyable road, in its own right, that led through the Hoosier National Forest. By now, the heat was building as was the anticipation. We knew we were approaching the zone. We crossed the Ohio River into Owensboro, Kentucky past the Glenmore Distillery. We meandered south going further into the zone passing occasional small gatherings waiting for the eclipse.
We settled on the town of Elkton very close to the centerline of totality. It seemed like the entire town was gathered around the square. There was music piped in from somewhere (a lot of "Here Comes the Sun", etc.). Everyone in town was wearing Eclipse t-shirts,many promoting local businesses. After sandwiches and several bottles of water (ironically, in the heart of burbon country Elkton is is Todd County which is dry!), we found a corner in the shade to watch and wait. We took a bunch of photos that will be added when I have a better connection. The moment of totality came quite suddenly with a great cheer and oohing and aahing from the small crowd. The feel of the situation was wierd. It is twilight with this unusual ring hanging in the sky. The light is a strange color not quite black and white. Both Jupiter and Venus

were easily visible. More photos. Calm. And then, boom, another shriek from the crowd as the retreating diamond ring appears and totality is over. We watch through the filters as the moon retreats. We then sauntered to the post office to have them cancel our first day covers. They were happy to do so with a special cancel they had ordered. We finished another 20 minute ride to our hotel just over the line in Tennessee. Met many friendly people along the way each sharing their eclipse story. I am sure there are many more to come.
Nice job, Dave! We watched the eclipse at Green Lakes. In 7 years we can all see totality right here!
Ride home safely.
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