Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 2, Mile 513, Morning from Manchester

Headed out east from Manchester and picked up 66 heading south. 66 is magnificient; a meandering, tunnel through the Daniel Boone National Forest. It was pretty cool as I started out, enough to merit an extra layer. The sun, heading east as I was, was brilliant, reflecting off every drop of dew it could find. At one point I rode through a cloud of fog just in the process of burning off. I caught a photo of a lingering path of said fog peeking out from the treetops where it was caught like cotton on a carpet.
The curves on 66 were just the warmup I would need for the Dragon. In fact, it was a bit reveresed; instead of riding a ridge, I was often carving through (limestone?) canyons.
As a reminder that this is coal country I passed two functioning coal mines as well as a handful of (ungated!) rail crossings.
I stopped for a coffe at a tiny little general store at the edge of the woods. A perfect start to the day.

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