Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 3, Truckin Dubois to Jackson

After stopping for gas in Dubois (I now remember why we ride bikes;
the truck is gulping very expensive gas), we head up into the
mountains through the shoshone national forest. Sculpted red rock
ravines yield to snow covered tree line peaks. The weather is still
holding the pass is eminently ridable, though there is a disconcerting
amount of snow (snowmobilers) in the woods. The road is dry and clear.
We cross the continental divide but the sign is covered by snow so no
picture :-(. The pass peaks at 9658 feet. The grades are about 6% up
and the same down; easy for truck and bikes. Now we are in Jackson,
then an hour more to ID Falls.


Nina said...

Wow! I love reading your descriptions about each leg of the trip! Lewis and Clark must be looking on with approval. Looking forward to the next installment.

Nina said...

Mom asked me to leave a typical "mother" comment for a son who rides a motorcycle. Basically...she's happy to know you made the decision to switch from motorcycle to truck! (Keep on truckin') :)