It doesn't matter if he's going to execute his plans; he comes across as rabidly believing in them. Once you win, you can change course, waffle, hem and haw, lie and prevaricate. The clear, frank, honest, consistency need only last till election day.
We all know Donald Trump's style: hold outrageous and outrageously simplistic beliefs based on naive, childish comprehension and present them in loud, bombastic, often incoherent fashion. Use shock jock vulgarity to press those points.
It works. Not for the sideshow cinematics but for the straightforward yes/no, "I don't care who I piss off" transparency and sincerity.
Everyone else in the game is politically correct to the point of obsequious meaninglessness. You cannot get a simple "yes/no" answer from a politician other than Trump or, more importantly, get them to state clearly and definitely their opinion on any issue whether of national security or their favorite ice cream flavor. They are deathly afraid of pissing off some constituent somewhere or worse, any constituent anywhere. They, therefore, take no stance, and merely pussyfoot on the shifting quicksand of immediate public opinion.
Trump realized that he can piss off 47% of the electorate and still win the election. The moral to this story is that you can pick, choose and hold fast to concrete positions and opinions that are supported by about half the nation or more. Don't waffle or hedge. Say "yes" or say "no" but answer the damn question. Be confident and consistent in those positions even in the face of withering criticism. Consistency in the face of attack makes you look even stronger.
Political correctness was killed by Donald Trump and we should thank him for that. Now, let's see if the Democrats, or anyone else, can stand up a candidate with sane convictions that they can clearly articulate and have the courage to uphold consistently in the face of benign and malignant questioning that is the modern media.